Δευτέρα 3 Μαΐου 2010


3 Μαΐου, 2010
Διδασκαλία της τεχνικής αποκρυπτογράφησης της γλώσσας των ονείρων από τον γνωστό Σαουδαράβα Yusuf al-Harthy
. Ο Mr Harthy διάσημος για την ερμηνεία ονείρων, πρόκειται να δημιουργήσει ινστιτούτο για ακαδημαϊκές σπουδές στην ανάλυση και ερμηνεία ονείρων. Οι απόφοιτοι θα παίρνουν πτυχία bachelors και masters ακόμη και διδακτορικό Ph.D στην επιστήμη ερμηνείας των ονείρων.
Η ανάλυση και ερμηνεία ενός ονείρου έχει από τη φύση της ψυχοθεραπευτικό και συμβουλευτικό χαρακτήρα, εξηγεί ο Yusuf al-Harthy, που έχει δημιουργήσει ήδη μια εκπαιδευτική ιστοσελίδα για την αποκωδικοποίηση των ονείρων (ονειροκριτική)
Το ινστιτούτο θα συνδέεται με κάποιο Αραβικό πανεπιστήμιο. Το Ισλάμ έχει μεγάλη ιστορία στην ερμηνεία των ονείρων, κλασσικός ο ονειροκρίτης που έγραψε ο Muhammad Ibn Sirin γεννημένος στη Βασόρα του Ιράκ, τον 7ο αιώνα.
Ο Mr Harthy που αναλύει όνειρα σε ραδιοφωνικές και τηλεοπτικές εκπομπές διαφωνεί με την άποψη του σαουδαραβικού υπουργείου ισλαμικών υποθέσεων ότι η ερμηνεία των ονείρων δεν διδάσκεται αλλά γεννιέται από έμπνευση – αναφέρει η μεγαλύτερη ημερήσια παναραβική εφημερίδα Al-Hayat.
Get a doctorate in your dreams
Dreaming of an advanced degree? Try a doctorate in dreams, something which could soon become a reality in a new academy offering undergraduate and graduate degrees
Yusuf al-Harthy, a well-known Saudi dream interpreter, plans to start up an institute offering bachelo
rs and masters degrees as well as even a PhD in explaining dreams and visions, Al-Hayat newspaper reported.
"Dream interpretation is by nature a way of counselling a person," said Mr Harthy, who already runs an instructional website on deciphering the meaning of dreams.
His academy will be linked to an unnamed Arab university, he said.
Islam has a long history of dream interpretation, with the seventh century-born scholar Muhammad
Ibn Sirin, a native of Basra in present-day Iraq, credited with authoring a classic
Islamic catalogue on dream interpretation.
Mr Harthy, who discusses dreams on radio and television shows, disagrees with the Saudi Islamic Affair's Ministry view that dream interpretation is not a teachable science but something born of inspiration, Al-Hayat reported.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010
How Animals Kiss
When people meet each other, they shake hands, slap five, smile, salute, bow, embrace, say, Yo. Hello. How are you? Good morning. Good evening. What’s up? What’s new? They may be happy to see each other. They may not care very much at all.
Strangers greet each other differently than people who know each other well. You wouldn’t greet a new kid at school the same way you’d greet your best friend. You wouldn’t say hello to your mother the same way you’d say hello to the president of the United States. Most greetings are friendly or polite. Some aren’t. Some greetings show respect for a person’s rank. Most probably don’t.

The same is true of animals. Their greetings are as many and varied as the species themselves. You know how people greet each other. But what are animal greetings like? When different animals meet their own kind, just what do they do?
Read more: http://www.dalimunthe.com/2010/02/how-animals-kiss.html#ixzz0ms9AXp1L


Margay - The Tiger Cat
Monday, 22 June 2009

The Margay is a solitary wildcat with some very unique characteristics. Its look alone make it stand-out although it is very solitary people rarely have the chance to see it. The Margay is one of the few animals in the world that can climb trees with their heads facing down, thanks to their very special joints, able to turn up to 180 degrees.
The Margay is on the endangered animals list, but no one really knows how large their population really is between Mexico and Argentina.Margays don’t take well to humans invading their habitats and scientists say they are so well adapted to life in trees that they can go their entire lives without touching the ground. Like all cats, Margay see very well at night and have no problem feeding of birds, reptiles and squirrels, if they can catch them.